"Which is the greater crime, to rob a bank or to own one?"
Bertolt Brecht
In keeping with the pedagogical ideas of the 70s, we were allowed to eat sweets only on Saturdays. Ice cream was considered a luxury, and we stood longingly in front of the ice cream counter in the grocery store well knowing there was no hope. But we were allowed to make our own popsicles: You pour fruit juice into a plastic form with a stick in it and put it in the freezer. A few hours later it is solid and you can eat it. Different fruits make different colors, and we became virtuoso in creating intricate stripes and patterns by pouring small portions of different juices and tilting the forms at various angles while freezing one stripe at a time. The blueberry purple, the rich red of the blackcurrants, the intense yellow of the oranges and the lighter one of the pineapples.
Afterwards the trick was to suck the juice out faster than the ice could melt. The concentratet, sweet fruit flavour vanished together with the colors, leaving a block of ice the same shape as a popsicle, but whitish and translucent. Equally cold, but without taste.
We used to leave it to melt away in the sink.
A ghost.
Photo: Marianne Heier
Photo and video editing: Sabina Jacobsson
Choreography: Kompani kunstgress +
"Hva er den største forbrytelsen, å rane en bank eller å eie den?"
Bertolt Brecht
I tråd med 70-tallets barneoppdragelse fikk vi sukker bare på lørdag. Is var luksus, vi sto lengtende foran isdisken i butikken og visste at det ikke var håp. Men vi fikk lov å lage vår egen saftis. Man heller fruktsaft i en form med en pinne i og setter den i fryseren, og noen timer senere er den klar til å spises. Forskjellige frukter ga forskjellig farge, vi ble virtuose i å fryse isen i intrikate striper og mønstre.
Etterpå var trikset å suge ut saften fortere enn isen kunne smelte. Den konsentrerte, søte fruktsmaken forlot den sammen med fargene, og etterlot en isklump i samme form som fruktisen, men hvitaktig og gjennomsiktig. Like kald, men uten smak.
Et spøkelse.
Vi pleide å la den smelte vekk i vasken.
Foto: Marianne Heier
Video og klipp: Sabina Jacobsson
Koreografi: Kompani kunstgress +