

Aenean metus augue, congue a enim non, consectetur vestibulum libero. Aliquam eu dignissim mauris.

Large stars live short, intense lives where energy is produced at a furious tempo. In the core ever-heavier elements are formed, as temperature and density increase. Finally, the innermost material of the core is transformed into iron. Then the star is unable to produce more energy, and collapses under its own weight. The collapse releases extreme amounts of energy. For some months the object may shine like many billions of ordinary stars together. He says: I am one of those who lost. It was a terrible, costly loss. Sure that we were right, we ventured all. Held back nothing, predicted no retreat. We were strong, we had to make it, couldn’t be stopped. It isn’t easily to find lines in what became. Some doors close forever. An old gallery, one of the oldest of its kind in Scandinavia. Picasso, Braque, they were ahead of their times. Hatchet job in the newspapers: new-fangled nonsense. Boycotted. Long queues, wild parties, scandals. Anything was possible. The basement rooms are labyrinthine and stuffed with art. Packed in crates, cardboard and plastic, some labelled, some not. They constantly discover new treasures below stairs, behind doors, on top of cupboards. There’s a faint smell of turpentine. And dust. What is time? Time is what is between now and now, I say. I have a ghost in my mouth. Some say the most useful thing I can teach my child is to beg in Mandarin. Everything is the same. But quite different. Something has changed from the inside of everything. When we moved in, the house next door was full of Polish construction workers. Hard working, in protective footwear. Three weeks on, two weeks off. Then came the African prostitutes. They slept almost all day and hung over the fence of the kindergarten on the other side of the road when they went out to work in the afternoon. They probably missed their own. In the summer the Roma people came. They slept in unregistered cars parked along the road, shared shower and privy inside the house. A forest of satellite dishes grows in their garden. They capture signals from far away. Like the rush of the waves in a seashell from another sea. Peace Prize for Europe. It’s burning in the streets of Athens. In Madrid they’re protesting against 25 per cent unemployment. Thousands of demonstrators on the streets of London. In Oslo it’s six degrees and dry weather. On the beach in Greece. It must be the police; who else would be allowed to fly so low? We could see the pilot. Sunglasses and tattooed upper arms. Were they looking for someone? We got the children up out of the water. The helicopter came down for a landing, in the middle of the beach, among towels and parasols and almost naked bodies. All heads turned in the same direction. We went along with the others. A procession at the water’s edge. The sand was so hot the air trembled. It stood on the beach about five metres in from the water’s edge. Green with orange and black stripes. When we got there it was empty, the rotors were no longer turning. People walked around it, touched it, photographed with mobile phones. Stood there. A long time. Private helicopter on public beach. Not really allowed? An Italian rubbed middle finger and thumb together. The money gesture. An imaginary coin spun in the air. After a while we went back. The helicopter stayed there for the rest of the day. In the evening we asked the waiter in the restaurant who owned the helicopter. He pointed at the bottle of water we had ordered. The owners of the drinking water were paying a visit. “Guests,” he said. He was working a double shift and had been there since six that day. November 2012, appeal from the Mayor on Lampedusa. Their cemetery is full, the last boat refugees had to be buried elsewhere in the region. She asks Europe how big her new cemetery has to be. I show them pictures. Other places. But it affects us too, I say. It’s coming, no one will escape it. Are you ready? Young, strong, glossy. Like them. The faces hidden beneath scarves and caps. All. None. Tense muscles, leaping, kick-off, fists clenched. Bodies, ONE body. Wild, beautiful. Critical mass. They’re setting the world on fire. A student puts up his hand. Says he wishes he had something to fight for. Snakes and reptiles in the basement. When darkness fell it was quiet on the island. The rescuers had taken care of the injured and the dead. I’ve heard that their mobile phones were left lying everywhere. They shone like glowworms in the summer night right up to when the batteries died. One more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night and one more night Pioneers. No one has gone there before them. Our maps have new white patches. Ever new, ever larger. Closer to the edge. We still live here in the border regions. The survivors seem to be the most dangerous. They aren’t afraid any more. And you should probably watch out for those who have lost all they owned. Ryan Air to London. Cheap and nasty. Polish air hostesses with synthetic turquoise capes, in a shapeless cut. He limps a little. Is ordered down on to the seat beside me. The hostess talks to him as if he’s stupid, hangs over him. His friends are spread around the plane, they’re not allowed to sit together. I offer to change places so they can sit together, but the cabin crew won’t let me. He’s furious. Damned racist bitch. He came here when he was 13. Alone, with a bullet in his knee. Had forged his passport and got himself a ticket. His mother cried, he was too young. But there was no hope, the next bullet could hit him anywhere, he wouldn’t survive. There was no future. Taxi from Fornebu to Oslo centre. Police station. Long interviews, interpreter. He told them everything and was sent to a reception centre in the west country. You were 13, just a child! How did you manage it? I would never have dared. Oh yes, you would. You’ve just never been truly scared. We’re woken up by cars and dogs outside the house, the flickering light from the police cars and ambulance strobes through the apartment. Everyone knows that people are hiding in that house. It isn’t a good hiding place. He stands on the pavement shouting CAN YOU HELP ME? in a thick accent. He has been here long enough to learn Norwegian. Tall and dark. He’s bleeding from one hand and is bandaged by an ambulance driver. Weeps and sways a little. Has tried to escape through the garden and into the park along the river, but the dogs caught him. I don’t know whether they bit him or he tore his skin on the fence when he tried to climb over. When I come home from work in the afternoon the bloodstains on the pavement have been covered up by a fine layer of new snow. It’s an old military camp. It has bars on the windows. Some of them live here for up to ten years. The neighbours protested at the barbed-wire fences, they were so unpleasant. The new fences are easy to climb over. It isn’t a prison after all. But the residents in the enclosure feel insecure. Someone could sneak in over the fence at night and mix with them. Market economy – Market society 20 per cent of the shop premises in the centre of the small town stand empty. Big public sector cuts have led to unemployment and weakened purchasing power. Begging is illegal. If the temperature falls below -50 the moisture in the air freezes to ice and rains down in tiny, sharp crystals. Zing! The light comes from straight ahead. It dazzles. Burns out the pictures. If you look through a sunstone the yellow rays will shine through, while the blue ones are filtered away. The yellow light penetrates water vapour and clouds. Without the dazzlingly strong blue rays you would be able to make out the sun behind the cloud cover. It’s thought that was how the Vikings were able to sail in straight lines across the sea to Greenland. When time becomes everything and life nothing. (Lloyd’s of London, often styled simply as Lloyd’s, is a British insurance and reinsurance market. It serves as a partially mutualized market place where multiple financial backers, known as underwriters, or “members”, both individuals (traditionally known as “Names”) and corporations, come together to pool and spread risk. The earth quakes. Falls out of the shapes it was sorted into. Is shaken together to one great, dense, continuous material. No lines, no shape, no direction. BOOM! It IS. Ginnungagap. So far out we’ve never been before. I see C-beams glitter at the Tannhäuser Gate. One sun two three. Do we know enough now? 59. There shall they find the wondrous golden chessboards in the grass, the ones they played with before in the oldest days. 62. I see a hall that stands, fairer than the sun. The roof is of gold at Gimli. There shall bold men bide, and all their lives take pleasure. 63. But I see the dark dragon, fly over the valley – aye, that worm glitters – comes down from the mountain. Nidhug bears bodies on his wings flies with them over this fair valley. Now I must sink down below. Völuspá

Store stjerner lever korte, intense liv der energi produseres i et voldsomt tempo. I kjernen dannes det stadig tyngre grunnstoffer mens temperaturen og tettheten tiltar. Til slutt er det innerste stoffet i kjernen omdannet til jern. Da greier ikke stjernen å produsere mer energi, og bryter sammen under sin egen vekt. Kollapsen frigjør ekstreme energimengder. I noen måneder kan objektet lyse som mange milliarder ordinære stjerner tilsammen. Han sier Jeg er en av de som tapte. Det var et fryktelig kostbart tap. Sikre på at vi hadde rett satset vi alt. Sparte ingenting, forutså ingen retrett. Vi var sterke, vi skulle fram, kunne ikke stoppes. Det er ikke lett å finne linjer i det som ble. Noen dører lukkes for alltid. Et gammelt galleri, et av Nordens eldste i sitt slag. Picasso, Braque, de var før sin tid. Slakt i avisene, nymotens tull. Ble boikottet. Lange køer, ville fester, skandaler. Alt var mulig. Kjellerrommene er labyrintiske og stappfulle av kunst. Pakket inn i kasser, papp og plast, noe merket og noe ikke. De oppdager stadig nye skatter under trapper, bak dører, over skap. Det lukter svakt av terpentin. Og støv. Hva er tid? Tid er det som er mellom nå og nå, sier jeg. Jeg har et spøkelse i munnen. Noen sier at det nyttigste jeg kan lære mitt barn er å tigge på mandarin. Alt er likt. Men helt annerledes. Noe har endret seg fra innsiden av alle ting. Da vi flyttet inn var nabohuset fullt av polske bygningsarbeidere. Hardtarbeidende, i vernesko. Tre uker på, to uker av. Så kom de afrikanske prostituerte. De sov nesten hele dagen og hang over gjerdet til barnehagen på den andre siden av veien når de gikk på jobb om ettermiddagen. De savnet nok sine egne. I sommer kom Romfolket. De sov i avskiltede biler parkert langs veien, delte dusj og do inne i huset. Det vokser en skog av parabolantenner i hagen deres. De fanger inn signaler langt bortefra. Som bølgesuset i en konkylie fra et annet hav. Fredspris til Europa. Det brenner i gatene i Athen. I Madrid protesterer de mot 25 prosent arbeidsledighet. Engelske demonstranter i tusenvis i gatene i London. I Oslo er det seks grader og oppholdsvær. På stranden i Hellas. Det måtte være politiet, hvem ellers har lov til å fly så lavt? Vi kunne se piloten. Solbriller og tatoverte overarmer. Lette de etter noen? Vi hentet barna opp av vannet. Helikopteret gikk inn for landing, midt på stranda, mellom håndklær og parasoller og nesten nakne kropper. Alle hoder snudd i samme retning. Vi gikk sammen med de andre. En prosesjon i vannkanten. Sanden var så varm, luften dirret. Det sto på stranda omtrent fem meter innenfor vannkanten. Grønt med oransje og svarte striper. Da vi kom fram var det tomt, vingene roterte ikke lenger. Folk gikk rundt det, tok på det, fotograferte med mobiltelefonene. Sto der. Lenge. Privat helikopter på offentlig strand. Det var vel egentlig ikke lov? En italiener gned langfingeren og tommelen sammen. Pengegesten. En fantasimynt spant i lufta. Etter en stund gikk vi tilbake. Helikopteret ble stående resten av dagen. Om kvelden spurte vi kelneren i restauranten hvem som eide helikopteret. Han pekte på vannflasken vi hadde bestilt. Eierne av drikkevannet var på besøk. «Guests» sa han. Han jobbet dobbelskift og hadde vært der siden seks den dagen. November 2012, appell fra borgermesteren på Lampedusa. Kirkegården deres er full, de siste båtflyktningene måtte gravlegges andre steder i regionen. Hun spør Europa hvor stor den nye kirkegården hennes skal være. Jeg viser dem bilder. Andre steder. Men det angår oss også, sier jeg. Det kommer, ingen slipper unna. Er dere klare? Unge, sterke, skinnende blanke. Som dem. Ansiktene skjult under skjerf og luer. Alle, ingen. Spente muskler, på sprang, i avspark, nevene knyttet. Kropper, EN kropp. Ville, vakre. Kritisk masse. De setter verden i brann. En student rekker opp hånda. Sier han skulle ønske han hadde noe å slåss for. Slanger og kryp i kjelleren. Da mørket falt på var det stille på øya. Redningsmannskapene hadde tatt seg av de skadde og de døde. Jeg har hørt at mobiltelefonene deres lå igjen overalt. De lyste som sankthansormer i sommernatten helt til batteriene døde. 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Ingen har gått dit før dem. Kartene våre har nye hvite flekker. Stadig nye, stadig større. Nærmere kanten. Vi bor her ennå i grensetraktene. De overlevende er visst de farligste. De er ikke redde lenger. Og man bør nok også passe seg for de som har tapt alt de eide. Ryan Air til London. Billig og surt. Polske flyvertinner med syntetiske, turkise kåper i uformelig snitt. Han halter litt. Kommanderes ned på setet ved siden av meg. Flyvertinnen snakker til ham som om han var dum, henger over ham. Vennene hans plasseres rundt omkring i flyet, de får ikke sitte sammen. Jeg tilbyr meg å bytte plass så de får sitte sammen, men får ikke lov av personalet. Han er rasende. Jævla rasistkjerring. Han kom hit da han var 13. Alene, med en kule i kneet. Hadde forfalsket passet sitt og skaffet en billett. Moren gråt, han var for ung. Men det var ikke noe håp, den neste kulen kunne treffe hvor som helst, han ville ikke overleve. Det fantes ingen fremtid. Taxi fra Fornebu til Oslo sentrum. Politistasjonen. Lange intervjuer, tolk. Han fortalte alt og ble sendt til et mottak på Vestlandet. Du var 13 år, bare et barn! Hvordan klarte du det? Jeg hadde aldri turt. Joda. Du har bare aldri vært ordentlig redd. Vi våkner av biler og hunder utenfor huset, det flakkende lyset fra politibiler og ambulanse blafrer gjennom leiligheten. Alle vet at folk gjemmer seg i det huset. Det er ikke noe godt gjemmested. Han står på fortauet og roper KAN DERE HJELPE MEG? med tykk aksent. Han har vært her lenge nok til å lære norsk. Høy og svart. Han blør fra den ene hånda og blir bandasjert av en ambulansesjåfør. Gråter og svaier litt. Har prøvd å rømme gjennom hagen og inn i parken langs elven, men hundene tok ham igjen. Jeg vet ikke om de bet ham eller om han rev seg opp på gjerdet da han prøvde å klatre over. Når jeg kommer hjem fra jobb om ettermiddagen er blodsporene på fortauet dekket til av et fint lag med nysnø. Det er en gammel militærforlegning. Den har gitter foran vinduene. Noen bor her i opptil 10 år. Naboene protesterte på piggtrådgjerdene, de var så lite hyggelige. De nye gjerdene er lette å klatre over. Det er tross alt ikke noe fengsel. Men beboerne i innhegningen kjenner seg utrygge. Noen kan snike seg inn over gjerdet om natten og blande seg med dem. Markedsøkonomi – Markedssamfunn. 20 prosent av butikklokalene i sentrum av den lille byen står tomme. Store innsparinger i offentlig sektor har ført til arbeidsledighet og svekket kjøpekraft. Å tigge er ulovlig. Hvis temperaturen synker under -50 fryser fuktigheten i luften til is og regner ned i bittesmå, skarpe krystaller. Zing! Lyset kommer rett forfra. Det blender. Brenner ut bildene. Hvis man ser gjennom en solstein vil de gule strålene slippe gjennom, mens de blå filtreres bort. Det gule lyset trenger gjennom vanndamp og skyer. Uten de blendende sterke, blå strålene vil man kunne ane solen bak skydekket. Man tror det var sånn vikingene klarte å seile i rette linjer over havet til Grønland. Når tid blir alt og livet ingenting (Lloyd's of London, often styled simply as Lloyd's, is a British insurance and reinsurance market. It serves as a partially mutualised market place where multiple financial backers, known as underwriters, or "members", both individuals (traditionally known as "Names") and corporations, come together to pool and spread risk. Jorden skjelver. Faller ut av formene den var sortert inn i. Ristes sammen til ett stort, tett, sammenhengende stoff. Uten linjer, uten form, uten retning. BOOM! Det ER. Ginnungagap. Så langt ut har vi aldri vært før. Jeg ser c-strålene glitre ved Tannhauserporten. En sol to tre. Vet vi nok nå? 59. Der skal dei finna att dei underlege gylne brikkene i graset, som dei leika med før i dei eldste dagane. 62. Eg ser ei hall som står, vakrare enn sola, taket er gylt, hjå Gimle. Der skal djerve menn bu, og gjennom heile sine liv nyta glede. 63. Men eg ser den dimme draken, han flyg over dalen - jo, den ormen glitrar - han kjem ned frå fjella. Nidhogg ber lik i vengene sine med´ han flyg over denne væne dalen. No lyt eg søkka att. (Voluspå, oversatt til nynorsk av Jackson Crawford)